I have only one suggestion for our guests before they come on the show (besides “don’t wear stripes” ) The only way the show will be a success (and by success I mean the only way the show will resonate within the hearts of the audience) is if we come from our hearts. I will never be the smartest or cleverest or funniest TV host in the world. But I can be unsurpassed in the love I have for the audience. I invite you to join me in this.
This is just a TV show- not life or death- and I want it to be as much fun as possible. Laughter and smiles will be signs that we are on the right track. But most of all, I want to offer the audience something. If you didn’t have gifts to offer then I wouldn’t have asked you to come on the show.
So I am inviting you to “let it all hang out.” If you knew that your brief time on the show was the only chance you would ever have to reach these people, what would you want to say to them? What would you like them to know about how your talents and abilities could be of use to them? How can you use these few minutes on the air to be of service?
Lastly, let’s remember that the people tuning into the show, whether it’s one person or one thousand people, are our brothers and sisters. Literally. So there is nothing to worry about. Let’s just come from our hearts and show our fellow human beings that we truly care about them, that we’re all in this together and that it’s all One Love.
Sound good? Now break a leg!
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