Friday, July 30, 2010

Keep it to Yourself

You know all of those little things that your intuition (yes, that's your intuition) tells you to keep to yourself, to keep secret?

Practice actually keeping them a secret.

Minds have a great difficulty resisting sharing these sorts of things. Minds often have very poor discernment and are unable to tell the "good" secrets from the "bad" ones (the ones that really should be shared with others.) When mind is unable to come up with a good reason to keep something quiet it overrides intuition's admonition (which it can do easily) and the beans are spilled. Opportunities to say "Hey look at me! Look what I'm doing" or "Look what I know!" are irresistible to egos.

So egos go ahead and prematurely share plans, ideas, hopes and dreams, and in the process, allow the magic to escape, the very magic that if allowed to accumulate could move mountains.

So instead, practice keeping secrets so that their magic and power can accumulate within you. Your intuition will surely let you know when they have ripened. And when they are at the peak of their potency, then they can be shared for the maximum benefit of others.


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